LI Vestibular Sensation and the Cerebral Cortex

It has been demonstrated for laboratory mammals that there is a pathway for projected impulses from the vestibular labyrinth to the cerebral cortex. The vestibular area in the cortex has thus been shown to be adjacent to the auditory area. Gerebtzoff 2 suggested that the vestibulocerebral pathway passed upward in the posterior longi­ tudinal bundle of the ipsilateral side. Mickle and Ades, 4 also Andersso η and Gernandt, 1 considered the connection of labyrinth with cerebral cortex to be largely contralateral. From the labyrinth to the cortex is a long jump in terms of physiology. In between come the labyrin­ thine reflexes. I shall try to make my talk as simple as possible, hoping that we may discover the probable role of the cortex in the utilization of vestibular information.