Comparing the Response of Static Loading Tests on Two Model Pile Groups in Soft Clay

Static load test program was performed on a single pile and two 16-pile groups with equal and different pile lengths. The soil profile consists of sand fill to 0.5 m depth placed on a thick deposit of soft, normally consolidated and compressible clay. The closed end steel pipe piles in 60 mm diameter were installed from 1.5 m through 2.1 m depth within soft clay deposit. The center-to-center distance of piles in group is about 3 times of pile diameter. The strain gages were installed at one level above and two through four levels below ground surface. Tests were carried out about 7 days after driving by method of a series of load increments placed every 5-min until plunging failure occurred. The load at plunging failure for the single pile, the equal-length pile group and the different-length pile group were about 3, 40 and 48 kN, respectively. The movements at start of failure were about 12, 18, and 17 mm, respectively. The analysis of strain gage measurements indicates that the load distribution on piles in the different-length pile group has become significantly uniform.