DFG Research Unit (Forschergruppe) FOR 1513 Hybrid Reasoning for Intelligent Systems
During the first phase (2012–2015), uncertainty played an important role, mainly in the robotics project. In the second phase (2016–2019), uncertainty will be a focus in all projects of the research unit. A new application domain for the second phase is logistics (in cooperation with Fraunhofer IML in Dortmund). Project A1 Verification of Non-Terminating Action Programs (Baader/Lakemeyer) investigates the verification of robot programs, which are typically non-terminating. Among other things, the project studies the verification of properties of programs with stochastic actions and noisy sensors. Project A2 Advanced Solving Technology for Dynamic and Reactive Applications (Brewka/ KernIsberner/Schaub) aims at providing hybrid reasoning methods that are sufficiently expressive to handle complex decision-making problems. The issues to be addressed include incorporating uncertain reasoning into answer set programming (ASP) and abstract argumentation. Project A3 Probabilistic Description Logics Based on the Aggregating Semantics and the Principle of Maximum Entropy (Baader/Kern-Isberner) aims to develop and study probabilistic description logics under the aggregating semantics and the principle of maximum entropy, which has the benefit of providing a unified framework for subjective probabilistic beliefs for both individuals and populations. The main emphasis of the project is on investigating computational properties (decidability and complexity) of such probabilistic description logics, exploring a wide range of fragments with different degrees of expressiveness. Project C1 Planning and Action Control for Robots in Human