Internet Dreams: Archetypes, Myths, and Metaphors

Part 1 The digital library metaphor - the I-way as publishing and community memory: excerpt from "As We May Think", Vannevar Bush excerpt from "Libraries of the Future", J.C.R. Licklider excerpt from "The Digital Library Project", volume 1 - "The World of Knowbots", Robert E. Kahn and Vinton G. Cerf excerpt from "Communication as the Root of Scientific Progress", Joshua Lederberg excerpt from "What is the Role of Libraries in the Information Economy?", John Browning technological revolutions and the Gutenberg myth, Scott D.N. Cook excerpt from "Libraries are More than Information - Situational Aspects of Electronic Libraries", Vicky Reich and Mark Weiser excerpt from "The Electronic Capture and Dissemination of the Cultural Practice of Tibetan Thangka Painting", Ranjit Makkuni. Part 2 The electronic mail metaphor - the I-way as a communications medium: some consequences of electronic groups, Lee Sproull and Samer Faraj netiquette 101, Jay Machado excerpt from "The MPC Adventures - Experiences with the Generation of VLSI Design and Implementation Methodologies", Lynn Conway excerpt from "Digital Communications and the Conduct of Science - the New Literacy", Joshua Lederberg. Part 3 The electronic marketplace metaphor - selling goods and services on the I-way: excerpt from "Electronic Commerce on the Internet", from the CommerceNet Home Page excerpt from "Electronic Markets and Electronic Hierarchies", Thomas W. Malone et al slaves of a new machine - exploring the for-free/for-pay conundrum, Laura Fillmore letting loose the light - igniting commerce in electronic publication, Mark Stefik. Part 4 The digital worlds metaphor - the I-way as a gateway to experience: excerpt from "Mudding - Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities", Pavel Curtis a rape in Cyberspace - how an evil clown, a Haitian trikster spirit, two wizards and a cast of dozens turned a database into a society, Julian Dibbell interaction without society? - what avatars can't do, Harry M. Collins excerpt from "Toward Portable Ideas", Mark Stefik and John Seely Brown the national collaboratory - a white paper, William A. Wulf Internet dreams - first encounters of an on-line dream group, Barbara Viglizzo epilogue - choices and dreams.