Intelligibility in speech disorders : theory, measurement, and management
1. Introduction (by Kent, Raymond D.) 2. 1. Scaling procedures for the measurement of speech intelligibility (by Schiavetti, Nicholas) 3. 2. An application of structural linguistics to intelligibility measurement of impaired speakers of English (by Bross, Rida S.) 4. 3. Acoustic and perceptual approaches to the study of intelligibility (by Weismer, Gary) 5. 4. The role of phonation in speech intelligibility: A review and preliminary data from patients with Parkinson's disease (by Ramig, L.O.) 6. 5. The intelligibility of English vowels spoken by British and Dutch talkers (by Flege, James Emil) 7. 6. Speech intelligibility in the hearing impaired: Research and clinical implications (by Osberger, Mary Joe) 8. 7. Intelligibility measurement as a tool in the clinical management of dysarthric speakers (by Yorkston, Kathryn M.) 9. 8. EPG-based description of apraxic speech errors (by Hardcastle, William J.) 10. 9. Prospects for neurophysiology approaches to the study of speech intelligibility (by Barlow, Steven M.) 11. Index