Recommendations from a workshop on ‘interpreting ocean in situ structures from satellite and aircraft infrared-derived sea surface temperatures‘

Abstract A workshop on this subject was held in association with the Joint Oceanographic Assembly at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in August 1982. The goals and objectives of the workshop were to: (1)Assess our knowledge of the multifaceted aspects of satellite and aircraft infrared-data technology, with whatever degrees of confidence exist. (2)Determine where we are on the learning curve with respect to quantitative and qualitative analysis, relative and absolute values. (3)Identify important applications, where relatively high degrees of confidence exist. (4)Candidly address limitations in the case of infrared data and define limiting conditions, as best we can.(5)Identify necessary research to be done. Most of the goals and objectives of the workshop were attained, although certain points were not fully discussed due to the limited amount of time available and the difficulties created by the diversity of experience and opinions which existed among the participants. However, concrete recommendations about infra...