Formal design procedures for pass transistor switching circuits

Two formal design techniques are presented to realize pass logic networks in NMOS and CMOS technologies. The first technique uses a modified Karnaugh map minimization procedure, which can be effective tool for the design of networks up to five or six variables. For networks involving more than six variables, an algorithmic procedure is developed by modifying the conventional Quine-McCluskey approach. The savings in silicon area depends on the transistor count as well as the interconnect structure. Maximum topograph regularity for an array of pass transistors can be achieved in the intersection of the set of control variables with the set of pass variables in a null set. This allows the pass variables and the control variables to flow at right angles to each other. This requirement may increase the transistor count in the design, hence there is a tradeoff between topological regularity and transistor count. Cells drawn in CMOS and NMOS are compared.