Big Data Preprocessing: Enabling Smart Data

[1]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Big Data Preprocessing as the Bridge between Big Data and Smart Data: BigDaPSpark and BigDaPFlink Libraries , 2019, IoTBDS.

[2]  Naixue Xiong,et al.  A novel code data dissemination scheme for Internet of Things through mobile vehicle of smart cities , 2019, Future Gener. Comput. Syst..

[3]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Brightness guided preprocessing for automatic cold steel weapon detection in surveillance videos with deep learning , 2019, Neurocomputing.

[4]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  SMOTE-BD: An Exact and Scalable Oversampling Method for Imbalanced Classification in Big Data , 2018, J. Comput. Sci. Technol..

[5]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Transforming big data into smart data: An insight on the use of the k‐nearest neighbors algorithm to obtain quality data , 2018, WIREs Data Mining Knowl. Discov..

[6]  Mario Piattini,et al.  From big data to smart data: a data quality perspective , 2018, EnSEmble@ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE.

[7]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  DPASF: a flink library for streaming data preprocessing , 2018, Big Data Analytics.

[8]  S. García,et al.  Online entropy-based discretization for data streaming classification , 2018, Future generations computer systems.

[9]  Verónica Bolón-Canedo,et al.  An Information Theory-Based Feature Selection Framework for Big Data Under Apache Spark , 2018, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.

[10]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Big Data: Tutorial and guidelines on information and process fusion for analytics algorithms with MapReduce , 2018, Inf. Fusion.

[11]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Principal Components Analysis Random Discretization Ensemble for Big Data , 2018, Knowl. Based Syst..

[12]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  A distributed evolutionary multivariate discretizer for Big Data processing on Apache Spark , 2018, Swarm Evol. Comput..

[13]  Luis de Marcos,et al.  Distributed ReliefF-based feature selection in Spark , 2018, Knowledge and Information Systems.

[14]  Nitin Narang,et al.  Imbalanced big data classification: a distributed implementation of SMOTE , 2018, ICDCN Workshops.

[15]  Luis Perez,et al.  The Effectiveness of Data Augmentation in Image Classification using Deep Learning , 2017, ArXiv.

[16]  María José del Jesús,et al.  KEEL 3.0: An Open Source Software for Multi-Stage Analysis in Data Mining , 2017, Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst..

[17]  Sergio Ramírez-Gallego,et al.  Nearest Neighbor Classification for High-Speed Big Data Streams Using Spark , 2017, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.

[18]  Md. Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan,et al.  A Survey on Deep Learning in Big Data , 2017, 22017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC).

[19]  Robert Ivor John,et al.  An Immune-Inspired Technique to Identify Heavy Goods Vehicles Incident Hot Spots , 2017, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence.

[20]  Jun-Hai Zhai,et al.  The classification of imbalanced large data sets based on MapReduce and ensemble of ELM classifiers , 2015, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics.

[21]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  SMOTE-GPU: Big Data preprocessing on commodity hardware for imbalanced classification , 2017, Progress in Artificial Intelligence.

[22]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Enabling Smart Data: Noise filtering in Big Data classification , 2017, Inf. Sci..

[23]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  An insight into imbalanced Big Data classification: outcomes and challenges , 2017 .

[24]  Álvar Arnaiz-González,et al.  MR-DIS: democratic instance selection for big data by MapReduce , 2017, Progress in Artificial Intelligence.

[25]  Verónica Bolón-Canedo,et al.  Fast‐mRMR: Fast Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance Algorithm for High‐Dimensional Big Data , 2017, Int. J. Intell. Syst..

[26]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  kNN-IS: An Iterative Spark-based design of the k-Nearest Neighbors classifier for big data , 2017, Knowl. Based Syst..

[27]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  GPU-SME-kNN: Scalable and memory efficient kNN and lazy learning using GPUs , 2016, Inf. Sci..

[28]  Huan Liu,et al.  Challenges of Feature Selection for Big Data Analytics , 2016, IEEE Intelligent Systems.

[29]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Big data preprocessing: methods and prospects , 2016 .

[30]  Arun Sharma,et al.  Scalable machine‐learning algorithms for big data analytics: a comprehensive review , 2016, Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Data Min. Knowl. Discov..

[31]  Maoguo Gong,et al.  RBoost: Label Noise-Robust Boosting Algorithm Based on a Nonconvex Loss Function and the Numerically Stable Base Learners , 2016, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

[32]  Vasyl Lytvyn,et al.  Smart Data Integration by Goal Driven Ontology Learning , 2016, INNS Conference on Big Data.

[33]  Mark D. McDonnell,et al.  Understanding Data Augmentation for Classification: When to Warp? , 2016, 2016 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA).

[34]  Nadia Essoussi,et al.  A Parallel Implementation of Relief Algorithm Using Mapreduce Paradigm , 2016, ICCCI.

[35]  Juan José Rodríguez Diez,et al.  Instance selection of linear complexity for big data , 2016, Knowl. Based Syst..

[36]  Xin Yao,et al.  A Survey on Evolutionary Computation Approaches to Feature Selection , 2016, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.

[37]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Evolutionary undersampling for extremely imbalanced big data classification under apache spark , 2016, 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC).

[38]  Nilanjan Dey,et al.  A MapReduce approach to diminish imbalance parameters for big deoxyribonucleic acid dataset , 2016, Comput. Methods Programs Biomed..

[39]  Weisong Shi,et al.  Edge Computing: Vision and Challenges , 2016, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

[40]  Bartosz Krawczyk,et al.  GPU-Accelerated Extreme Learning Machines for Imbalanced Data Streams with Concept Drift , 2016, ICCS.

[41]  Jim Austin,et al.  Hadoop neural network for parallel and distributed feature selection , 2016, Neural Networks.

[42]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Tutorial on practical tips of the most influential data preprocessing algorithms in data mining , 2016, Knowl. Based Syst..

[43]  Francesco Marcelloni,et al.  A MapReduce solution for associative classification of big data , 2016, Inf. Sci..

[44]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Multivariate Discretization Based on Evolutionary Cut Points Selection for Classification , 2016, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.

[45]  C. Giraud-Carrier,et al.  Efficient mining of high-speed uncertain data streams , 2015, Applied Intelligence.

[46]  Santanu Kumar Rath,et al.  Classification of microarray using MapReduce based proximal support vector machine classifier , 2015, Knowl. Based Syst..

[47]  Stefan Jähnichen,et al.  Towards a taxonomy of standards in smart data , 2015, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).

[48]  Sergio Ramírez-Gallego,et al.  Evolutionary Feature Selection for Big Data Classification: A MapReduce Approach , 2015 .

[49]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  ROSEFW-RF: The winner algorithm for the ECBDL'14 big data competition: An extremely imbalanced big data bioinformatics problem , 2015, Knowl. Based Syst..

[50]  Alberto Mozo,et al.  Massively Parallel Unsupervised Feature Selection on Spark , 2015, ADBIS.

[51]  Verónica Bolón-Canedo,et al.  Recent advances and emerging challenges of feature selection in the context of big data , 2015, Knowl. Based Syst..

[52]  Jason J. Jung,et al.  Social big data: Recent achievements and new challenges , 2015, Information Fusion.

[53]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Analysis of Data Preprocessing Increasing the Oversampling Ratio for Extremely Imbalanced Big Data Classification , 2015, 2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA.

[54]  Sonja Filiposka,et al.  Feature Ranking Based on Information Gain for Large Classification Problems with MapReduce , 2015, 2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA.

[55]  André Carlos Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho,et al.  Effect of label noise in the complexity of classification problems , 2015, Neurocomputing.

[56]  Mohsen Guizani,et al.  Internet of Things: A Survey on Enabling Technologies, Protocols, and Applications , 2015, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.

[57]  Sachin S. Patil,et al.  Enhanced SMOTE algorithm for classification of imbalanced big-data using Random Forest , 2015, 2015 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC).

[58]  Geoffrey E. Hinton,et al.  Deep Learning , 2015, Nature.

[59]  Joseph K. Bradley,et al.  Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark , 2015, SIGMOD Conference.

[60]  Ameet Talwalkar,et al.  MLlib: Machine Learning in Apache Spark , 2015, J. Mach. Learn. Res..

[61]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Evolutionary undersampling for imbalanced big data classification , 2015, 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC).

[62]  Charu C. Aggarwal,et al.  Data Mining: The Textbook , 2015 .

[63]  Murtaza Haider,et al.  Beyond the hype: Big data concepts, methods, and analytics , 2015, Int. J. Inf. Manag..

[64]  Lida Xu,et al.  The internet of things: a survey , 2014, Information Systems Frontiers.

[65]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  MRPR: A MapReduce solution for prototype reduction in big data classification , 2015, Neurocomputing.

[66]  Geoffrey I. Webb Contrary to Popular Belief Incremental Discretization can be Sound, Computationally Efficient and Extremely Useful for Streaming Data , 2014, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining.

[67]  Fuzhen Zhuang,et al.  Parallel feature selection using positive approximation based on MapReduce , 2014, 2014 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD).

[68]  Yong Zhang,et al.  Parallel Implementation of Chi2 Algorithm in MapReduce Framework , 2014, HCC.

[69]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  On the use of MapReduce for imbalanced big data using Random Forest , 2014, Inf. Sci..

[70]  María José del Jesús,et al.  Big Data with Cloud Computing: an insight on the computing environment, MapReduce, and programming frameworks , 2014, WIREs Data Mining Knowl. Discov..

[71]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Data Preprocessing in Data Mining , 2014, Intelligent Systems Reference Library.

[72]  C. L. Philip Chen,et al.  Data-intensive applications, challenges, techniques and technologies: A survey on Big Data , 2014, Inf. Sci..

[73]  Ivor W. Tsang,et al.  The Emerging "Big Dimensionality" , 2014, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine.

[74]  Manesh Dalavi,et al.  Hadoop MapReduce implementation of a novel scheme for term weighting in text categorization , 2014, 2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT).

[75]  Zhao Li,et al.  Data intensive parallel feature selection method study , 2014, 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

[76]  Sebastián Ventura,et al.  Scalable CAIM discretization on multiple GPUs using concurrent kernels , 2014, The Journal of Supercomputing.

[77]  Yonggang Wen,et al.  Toward Scalable Systems for Big Data Analytics: A Technology Tutorial , 2014, IEEE Access.

[78]  M. Verleysen,et al.  Classification in the Presence of Label Noise: A Survey , 2014, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

[79]  Alex Pentland,et al.  Big Data and Management , 2014 .

[80]  Rong Jin,et al.  Online Feature Selection and Its Applications , 2014, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.

[81]  A. Bifet,et al.  A survey on concept drift adaptation , 2014, ACM Comput. Surv..

[82]  P. Baldi,et al.  Searching for exotic particles in high-energy physics with deep learning , 2014, Nature Communications.

[83]  Tiranee Achalakul,et al.  Feature Reduction for Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing with MapReduce GA/kNN , 2013, 2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

[84]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  An insight into classification with imbalanced data: Empirical results and current trends on using data intrinsic characteristics , 2013, Inf. Sci..

[85]  Feng Hu,et al.  A Novel Boundary Oversampling Algorithm Based on Neighborhood Rough Set Model: NRSBoundary-SMOTE , 2013 .

[86]  Kai Chen,et al.  Differentially private feature selection under MapReduce framework , 2013 .

[87]  Gilles Louppe,et al.  Independent consultant , 2013 .

[88]  Han Liu,et al.  Challenges of Big Data Analysis. , 2013, National science review.

[89]  V. Marx Biology: The big challenges of big data , 2013, Nature.

[90]  Mikel Galar,et al.  Analysing the classification of imbalanced data-sets with multiple classes: Binarization techniques and ad-hoc approaches , 2013, Knowl. Based Syst..

[91]  Javier Pérez-Rodríguez,et al.  A scalable approach to simultaneous evolutionary instance and feature selection , 2013, Inf. Sci..

[92]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  A Survey of Discretization Techniques: Taxonomy and Empirical Analysis in Supervised Learning , 2013, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.

[93]  Daniel E. O'Leary,et al.  Artificial Intelligence and Big Data , 2013, IEEE Intelligent Systems.

[94]  Veda C. Storey,et al.  Business Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact , 2012, MIS Q..

[95]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Integrating a differential evolution feature weighting scheme into prototype generation , 2012, Neurocomputing.

[96]  Ivor W. Tsang,et al.  Towards ultrahigh dimensional feature selection for big data , 2012, J. Mach. Learn. Res..

[97]  Zheng Zhao,et al.  Massively parallel feature selection: an approach based on variance preservation , 2012, Machine Learning.

[98]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  On the choice of the best imputation methods for missing values considering three groups of classification methods , 2012, Knowledge and Information Systems.

[99]  Ivor W. Tsang,et al.  Discovering Support and Affiliated Features from Very High Dimensions , 2012, ICML.

[100]  Wu Bin,et al.  Design and Implementation of Parallel Term Contribution Algorithm Based on Mapreduce Model , 2012, 2012 7th Open Cirrus Summit.

[101]  Michael J. Franklin,et al.  Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing , 2012, NSDI.

[102]  K. R. Chandran,et al.  An enhanced ACO algorithm to select features for text categorization and its parallelization , 2012, Expert Syst. Appl..

[103]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Prototype Selection for Nearest Neighbor Classification: Taxonomy and Empirical Study , 2012, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

[104]  N. García-Pedrajas,et al.  Scaling up data mining algorithms: review and taxonomy , 2012, Progress in Artificial Intelligence.

[105]  Lin Dai,et al.  A Discretization Algorithm of Numerical Attributes for Digital Library Evaluation Based on Data Mining Technology , 2011, ICADL.

[106]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  An overview of ensemble methods for binary classifiers in multi-class problems: Experimental study on one-vs-one and one-vs-all schemes , 2011, Pattern Recognit..

[107]  Leon Wenliang Zhong,et al.  Efficient Sparse Modeling With Automatic Feature Grouping , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

[108]  Chih-Jen Lin,et al.  LIBSVM: A library for support vector machines , 2011, TIST.

[109]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Differential evolution for optimizing the positioning of prototypes in nearest neighbor classification , 2011, Pattern Recognit..

[110]  Divyakant Agrawal,et al.  Big data and cloud computing: current state and future opportunities , 2011, EDBT/ICDT '11.

[111]  Ivor W. Tsang,et al.  Efficient Multitemplate Learning for Structured Prediction , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

[112]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  IPADE: Iterative Prototype Adjustment for Nearest Neighbor Classification , 2010, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks.

[113]  Yu Guo,et al.  Sample size and statistical power considerations in high-dimensionality data settings: a comparative study of classification algorithms , 2010, BMC Bioinformatics.

[114]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Stratified prototype selection based on a steady-state memetic algorithm: a study of scalability , 2010, Memetic Comput..

[115]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  IFS-CoCo: Instance and feature selection based on cooperative coevolution with nearest neighbor rule , 2010, Pattern Recognit..

[116]  Hairong Kuang,et al.  The Hadoop Distributed File System , 2010, 2010 IEEE 26th Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST).

[117]  Nicolás García-Pedrajas,et al.  Democratic instance selection: A linear complexity instance selection algorithm based on classifier ensemble concepts , 2010, Artif. Intell..

[118]  Juhnyoung Lee,et al.  A view of cloud computing , 2010, CACM.

[119]  Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal,et al.  Pattern classification with missing data: a review , 2010, Neural Computing and Applications.

[120]  Yen-Liang Chen,et al.  A Dynamic Discretization Approach for Constructing Decision Trees with a Continuous Label , 2009, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.

[121]  Charles Bouveyron,et al.  Robust supervised classification with mixture models: Learning from data with uncertain labels , 2009, Pattern Recognit..

[122]  Sebastian Nowozin,et al.  On feature combination for multiclass object classification , 2009, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision.

[123]  Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz,et al.  Knowledge discovery from data streams , 2009, Intell. Data Anal..

[124]  Nicolás García-Pedrajas,et al.  A divide-and-conquer recursive approach for scaling up instance selection algorithms , 2009, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.

[125]  Xindong Wu,et al.  The Top Ten Algorithms in Data Mining , 2009 .

[126]  Francesca Odone,et al.  Feature selection for high-dimensional data , 2009, Comput. Manag. Sci..

[127]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  A memetic algorithm for evolutionary prototype selection: A scaling up approach , 2008, Pattern Recognit..

[128]  Feiping Nie,et al.  Trace Ratio Criterion for Feature Selection , 2008, AAAI.

[129]  Dennis M. Wilkinson,et al.  Large-Scale Parallel Collaborative Filtering for the Netflix Prize , 2008, AAIM.

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[133]  Hiroshi Motoda,et al.  Computational Methods of Feature Selection , 2022 .

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[138]  João Gama,et al.  Discretization from data streams: applications to histograms and data mining , 2006, SAC.

[139]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  On the combination of evolutionary algorithms and stratified strategies for training set selection in data mining , 2006, Appl. Soft Comput..

[140]  Ramón Díaz-Uriarte,et al.  Gene selection and classification of microarray data using random forest , 2006, BMC Bioinformatics.

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[142]  Grigorios Tsoumakas,et al.  On the Utility of Incremental Feature Selection for the Classification of Textual Data Streams , 2005, Panhellenic Conference on Informatics.

[143]  Francisco Herrera,et al.  Stratification for scaling up evolutionary prototype selection , 2005, Pattern Recognit. Lett..

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