We present results that compare the performance of Bayesian learning methods for neural networks on the task of classifying forest scenes into trees and background. Classification task is demanding due to the texture richness of the trees, occlusions of the forest scene objects and diverse lighting conditions under operation. This makes it difficult to determine which are optimal image features for the classification. A natural way to proceed is to extract many different types of potentially suitable features, and to evaluate their usefulness in later processing stages. One approach to cope with large number of features is to use Bayesian methods to control the model complexity. Bayesian learning uses a prior on model parameters, combines this with evidence from a training data, and the integrates over the resulting posterior to make predictions. With this method, we can use large networks and many features without fear of overfitting. For this classification task we compare two Bayesian learning methods for multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural networks: (1) The evidence framework of MacKay uses a Gaussian approximation to the posterior weight distribution and maximizes with respect to hyperparameters. (2) In a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method due to Neal, the posterior distribution of the network parameters is numerically integrated using the MCMC method. As baseline classifiers for comparison we use (3) MLP early stop committee, (4) K-nearest-neighbor and (5) Classification And Regression Tree.
S. Duane,et al.
Hybrid Monte Carlo
Neural pattern recognition : distortion tolerance by self-organizing maps
David J. C. MacKay,et al.
The Evidence Framework Applied to Classification Networks
Neural Computation.
Radford M. Neal.
Assessing Relevance determination methods using DELVE
David J. C. MacKay,et al.
A Practical Bayesian Framework for Backpropagation Networks
Neural Computation.
David J. C. MacKay,et al.
John G. Daugman,et al.
Complete discrete 2-D Gabor transforms by neural networks for image analysis and compression
IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process..
Geoffrey E. Hinton,et al.
Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks
Leo Breiman,et al.
Classification and Regression Trees
Heekuck Oh,et al.
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
Adv. Comput..