초등 체조영재와 일반 아동의 체격 등속성근력 및 무산소성 능력에 관한 비교 연구
The purpose of this study was to examine the comparisons of talent children in sports and general students of elementary school on physique, isokinetic strength, and anaerobic exercise capacity. The subjects were conducted in 15(boys 16, girls 14)of talent children in sports and general students. The measurement items were physique(height, weight, sitting height, chest) and anaerobic exercise capacity (peak power, mean power, anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity, and fatigue index). Cybex 770 system was used to obtained the values of isokinetic strength(60˚/sec, 180˚/sec). Collected data were analyzed by ANCOVA using SPSS 14.0. The result of this study was as follows. 1. Physique: Talent children in sports group showed lower results than general elementary students in weight, sitting height, chest. 2. Isokinetic strength: Talent children in sports group showed higher results than general elementary students in extensor(left), and flexor(left, right) each for 60˚/sec, 180˚/sec. 3. Anaerobic exercise capacity: Talent children in sports group showed higher results than general elementary students in mean power, peak power, anaerobic power, and anaerobic capacity. Therefore, Talent children in sports group showed higher results than general elementary students in motor ability and lower physique, therefore we can conclude to be of help to set-up a norm of selection for talent chidren in gymnastics.