Further Improvements to ASME Section XI Code Case N-806 for Evaluation of Metal Loss in Class 2 and 3 Metallic Piping Buried in a Back-Filled Trench

ASME Section XI Code Case N-806, for evaluation of metal loss in Class 2 and 3 metallic piping buried in a back-filled trench, was first published in 2012. This Code Case has been prepared by the ASME Section XI Task Group on Evaluation Procedures for Degraded Buried Pipe. The Code Case addresses the nuclear industry need for evaluation procedures and acceptance criteria for the disposition of metal loss that is discovered during the inspection of metallic piping buried in a back-filled trench. A number of additional improvements have been proposed for Code Case N-806. These include expanded guidance for the determination and validation of a corrosion rate and other clarifications to improve ease of use. This paper presents an update of details of the proposed revisions to Code Case N-806 and their technical basis.Copyright © 2015 by ASME