연구논문 : 습지보호지역의 습지보전,이용시설 현황에 관한 기초 연구 -5개 습지보호지역을 대상으로-
This research was completed to provide fundamental data regarding the guidelines to installing and managing utility facilities & structures in wetland protected area to advance the functions and sustainable use of ecology services by preserving the ecology within wetland protected area. There were 5 on-site researching areas that were used as the main subject with these areas chosen and considered from 21 inland wetlands that have been designated and are being managed from the Ministry of Environment and by their designated dates as a wetland protected area. The utility facilities in these wetland areas were categorized by their types and a detailed on-site investigation was proceeded with investigation items chosen whereas these facilities are working by their roles from their location, size, used materials, types, information contents and etc., The results showed that regarding informational structures, several locations of information boards were distanced from the main exploring routes which did not consider the visitor``s eye level which had their readability dropped and by sunlight, time lapse and water penetration, many information boards were damaged or corrupted so that it was hard to confirm the information noticed or understanding an image. Insufficient observation and educational structures were installed that considered the ecological characteristics of wild animals and their living conditions. Regarding convenience facilities, there were parking lots that were installed on the fore-land and to decrease non-point solution sources, some parking lots needed to be located in protected lowlands while some facilities`` shape and colors did not harmonize with their natural surroundings, creating a sense of awareness, which will need some more consideration. As for safety facilities, they were very insufficient compared to other facilities. This means that additional safety structures areneeded so that related personnel can be aware of where a visitor is located when an accident occurs. Protectional facilities strongly needed new structures and a management system to cut off entrances and do surveillance so that visitors do not go into areas outside of the managed areas and bring damages to restricted locations. Research labs needed to expand the use of automatic weather systems and water gauge equipments to build fundamental data regarding floodgates that are intimated to the forming of wetlands. Sensor cameras and other types of monitoring systems are needed to monitor the majority types of animals living in the wetlands as well.