Stabilization of electromechanical systems via interconnection and damping assignment

In this article, we propose a general controller structure for asymptotic position regulation of electromechanical systems derived using the Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control methodology recently proposed in the literature. The controller is applicable to arbitrary fully actuated electromechanical systems with linear magnetic materials consisting of inductances, permanent magnets, and one mechanical co-ordinate. We assume linear magnetic materials and fully actuated electrical dynamics; however, no restrictions are imposed on the particular form of the parameters that define the system dynamics, i.e. the inductance matrix, the magnetic coupling or the potential energy function. This allows us to treat—in a unified framework and without any additional simplifying assumptions—very diverse applications, including magnetic suspensions, and stepper and permanent magnet synchronous motors. Instrumental for our developments is the inclusion of ‘virtual’ couplings between the electrical and the mechanical subsystem, which is naturally suggested in this control methodology. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.