APNOEA IS generally agreed to be the cessation of airflow for more than 20 s (POTSlC, 1989; GUILLEMINAULT et al., 1975), and it has been reported to occur in 30-95% of premature infants during sleep (BOUTERLnVE-YOUNG and SMITH, 1950). It has been proposed that this may be due to 'a failure to respond to the metabolic and mechanical stress imposed by the first experience with nasopharyngitis, or a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system due to a transient anatomic or functional defect of the neuron or a temporary deficiency of a metabolite or neurotransmitter' (KELLY and SHANNON, 1979). Such vulnerabilities decrease with age (KELLY et al., 1978). Owing to the possible connection between sleep apnoea and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), infants believed to be at risk of SIDS are monitored for apnoeic episodes. As instances of bradycardia are common in central apnoea ('WARBURTON et aL, 1977; KULKARa, 1991; SAHAKIAN et aL, 1985), a combination of impedance pneumography and electrocardiography is the most commonly used acquisition system for apnoea detection (SAHAKL~ et al., 1985). Impedance pneumography, however, is prone to several problems including susceptibility to false breath detections due to the subject's motion artefacts, difficulty in detecting obstructive apnoea, changes in intrathoracic blood volume and venous return (which cause changes in the thoracic impedance), and cardiogenic artifacts (WARBURTON et al., 1977; NnacDc, 1987; UPTON et aL, 1990; JEFFERY et al., 1981). Movement artefacts, cardiogenic artefacts or breathing efforts during obstructive apnoea can cause fluctuations in the chest wall impedance that may resemble ventilatory fluctuations, and thus may be mistaken for ventilation. Although some attention has focused on breath-detection algorithms, much less attention has focused on the types of electrodes. Most electrodes used for ventilation monitoring were designed for ECG monitoring. Thus determining which factors are beneficial for ventilation monitoring may improve electrode design for apnoea monitoring, thereby improving impedance pneumography. Previous studies have shown that electrodes with good stability, strong adhesion, low face-to-face impedance, low transthoracic-plus-electrode impedance and a large effective
C A SMITH,et al.
Respiration of full term and of premature infants.
A.M.A. American journal of diseases of children.
D. Shannon,et al.
Periodic breathing in infants with near-miss sudden infant death syndrome.
G. M. Stokes,et al.
Combined impedance and inductance for the detection of apnoea of prematurity.
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J G Webster,et al.
A comparison of electrodes for potential use in paediatric/infant apnoea monitoring.
Physiological measurement.
D. Shannon,et al.
Care of infants with near-miss sudden infant death syndrome.
W. Potsic.
Sleep apnea in children.
Otolaryngologic clinics of North America.
J. Webster,et al.
The electrode system in impedance-based ventilation measurement
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
K. W. Cross,et al.
The effect of inhalation of carbon dioxide in air on the respiration of the full‐term and premature infant
Journal of Physiology.
E. Pasquali.
Problems in impedance pneumography: Electrical characteristics of skin and lung tissue
Medical and biological engineering.
Willis J. Tompkins,et al.
Electrode Motion Artifacts in Electrical Impedance Pneumography
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
C. Guilleminault,et al.
Apneas during sleep in infants: possible relationship with sudden infant death syndrome
A. Stark,et al.
Apnea monitor failure in infants with upper airway obstruction.
H. Jeffery,et al.
New methods to separate artifacts from normal and defective breathing patterns in different sleep-states, if infants are monitored at home.
Australian and New Zealand journal of medicine.