Development of Micro-Grid in Sub-Saharan Africa: an Overview
The slow growth in electricity production in the last four decades has left Sub-Saharan Africa region in partial darkness marked by unreliable power supplies and insufficient generating capacity. This has been the greatest barrier to the economic and industrial growth in this part of the world and has left many people, in search of a greener pasture in other regions. In the last few years, Sub-Saharan Africa started to provide opportunities for micro-grid (MG) initiative by bringing electricity access to remote rural and sub-urban communities in the region. The MG concept is seen as a viable energy strategy due to the fact that Africa is endowed with both renewable and non-renewable resources that are primary sources for MG. This paper reviews and discusses the MG idea, recent development of MG, in Sub-Saharan Africa, MG potential and pilot projects across some part of Sub-Saharan Africa. Also, the benefits, challenges and solutions for a successful MG implementation in the region are discussed.
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