ATMAE to ABET Accreditation: An Assessment Transition in an Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology Program

Bowling Green State University currently offers an ETAC-ABET accredited undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology. The program was previously accredited by ATMAE with the name Electronics and Computer Technology in the Bachelor of Science in Technology degree. The program faculty has decided to seek ABET accreditation due to the professional engineer registration our students can seek and other reasons. This paper presents the process adopted by the ECET program faculty to use the past ATMAE accreditation practices to present ABET accreditation. A hallmark of our program has been the mandatory two-semester long co-op experiences and an optional third-semester co-op experience, which has served as an important tool along with our in-class course instruction and laboratory experience for the success of our students. Our program educational objectives review and student outcomes assessment of ABET’s Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission general ‘a to k’ criteria and Electrical/Electronic(s) Engineering Technology, and Computer Engineering Technology program specific criteria use four direct and indirect quantitative methods and additional qualitative methods. The direct quantitative methods include: course-embedded assessment, course final grades, co-op employer student performance appraisal; and the indirect quantitative method is an end of semester student course evaluation. The qualitative methods include student co-op report feedback, industrial advisory board input, and alumni input in addition to regular input from faculty. This paper describes how the data from these methods are used for assessment and continuous improvement that resulted in a successful maximum ABET accreditation period for our ECET program.