A Novel Bio-sensorforNon-invasiveMeat Inspection
A novelbio-sensor forinspection ofmeatinanon- invasive andnon-destructive wayhasbeenfabricated and developed. Thesensor hastheplanar interdigital structure andtheconsecutive fingers areconnected topositive and negative electrodes respectively. A novelsensorhasbeen fabricated which providesimprovedresults. The experimental results showthesensors haveagreatpotential toestimate thefatcontent ofmeatinanon-invasive andnon- destructive way. I.INTRODUCTION Researches onfoodareveryimportant forsafe andhealthy life ofhumanbeinganddifferent inspection techniques are reported intechnical literature (1-4). Thereported systems are quiteexpensive, needsa lotof calibration andmany precautionary measures. Thereisstill aneedtodevelop alow costandeasytousesensing system forthemeatindustry. The authors areinvolved withresearch worksemploying planar type sensorsforlast fewyearsandaresuccessful ofdeveloping a complete inspection system oftheprinted circuit board (pcb) of Pentium processor (5).Theexciting coilisofmeander configuration whereas thesensing coil iseither ofmeshtypeor figure-of-eight typeconfigurations. Theplanar typesensors have also beenusedfortheinspection ofmaterial defects suchasthe existence ofinner layer cracks andfortheestimation offatigue of metal products (6,7). A crack withalignment inparallel withthe exciting meander coilisdifficult tobedetected bymeander configuration. Thealternative istoemploy meshtypesensor. The response of boththemeanderandmeshtypeplanar electromagnetic sensors todielectric materials ismoderate. In order toincrease thesensitivity ofthesensor system another type ofsensor, theinterdigital hasbeenfabricated anddeveloped and comparison oftheir relative performance havebeencarried out (8). Thispaper hasreported useofplanar interdigital sensor asa bio-sensor fornon-contact andnon-invasive estimation offat content inpork meat.Theearlier version ofsensors provides a large error whiletheyarecompared withtheresults obtained fromchemically destructive method. An improved noveltype interdigtal sensors hasbeendesigned andfabricated toobtain results whichcanbecomparable tochemically obtained results. A lowcostnovelsensing system basedonmicrocontroller is proposed.