DWDs new radar network and post-processing algorithm chain

The operational radar network of Deutscher Wetterdi enst (DWD) with 16 radar systems was built up betwe n 1987 and 2000. While the first systems delivered information about echo intensity, echo location and echo displ acement only, the radar systems from 1994 onwards allowed the estimat ion of the mean Doppler velocity extending the rang e of meteorological applications. Since 2009 DWD is exte nding and modernizing its national weather radar ne twork with new polarimetric C-Band Doppler radar systems. Addition ally, a 5-minute volume scan strategy was successfu lly introduced in 2012. The enhanced system capabilities of the polar imetric radar systems in combination with the new v olume scan strategy allow a mayor improvement of existing algorithms an d the development of new procedures. The aim is an improvement of the quality of nowcasting algorithms and the warnin g management process as a whole. As a constraint, t he results of the improved algorithms and procedures have to be avail able near real time with a minimal mean time betwee n failures (run 24/7). Thus, the algorithms have to work with high performance in combination with an easy maintainabi lity. To achieve this, a new software framework capable to unite all the stand alone radar algorithms was established i n parallel to the exchange of the radar systems. This abstract will d etail the current radar related developments within DWD.