MRL Small Size 2008 Team Description

Abstract. This paper describes MRL Small Size Soccer Team activities in me-chanics, electronics, software and Artificial Intelligence. A summary about each part presents in this paper to make reader familiar with our contributions. Lo-comotion design and kicker system is described in mechanics, wireless com-munications and controller make the electronic section and software includes interface and decision making. The reinforcement emotional learning based mo-tion control and neural network used in vision are expressed as Artificial Intel-ligence approaches separately. 1. Introduction Robotics is the center of attention of many researchers these days. The reason is that it can include mechanics, electronics, artificial intelligence, Image processing, control and many other fields of research. Therefore In this paper, we describe our approaches to these different challenges which we would use to participate in Ro-boCup 2008 small size soccer Competitions. After two years MRL team was reconstructed with new members with grateful ex-periences in other RoboCup competitions. In fact this team contains a combination of two groups attaining the first place in Rescue Simulation and Junior Soccer league in two previous RoboCup competitions in Germany 2006 and USA 2007 repeatedly. MRL and Espadana were joined to establish a team with significant quality both in software and hardware areas. Our aim is examining some new approaches especially in Artificial Intelligence and introducing innovative attitudes in this field of research. This paper is organized as follows: software architecture will be described in sec-tion 2. Electronic design which makes the structure of robots’ onboard brain is ex-plained in section 3 and in the next section the robots’ mechanics skeleton, with the goal of achieving the most favorable characteristics, is illustrated. Using AI in robot motion control and vision will be presented in section 5.