SPOT5 HRG and HRS first in-flight geometric quality results

As compared to other SPOT satellites, SPOT5 geometric accuracy is improved : a stellar sensor unit allows absolute location accuracy of 60 meters; geometric resolution is 10 meters for multispectral mode, 5 meters for panchromatic mode and 2,5 meters for THR mode; HRS along track stereoscopic mode leads to 10 meters accuracy digital terrain models. This paper presents the results of in-flight geometric characterization of SPOT5 remote sensing satellite established during the first two months of SPOT5's life in orbit. Calibration of the viewing model has been performed : platform's biases and modelization of mirror positioning are measured thanks to a triangulation process using images acquired on several targets around the world chosen for their referential ground control points. Geometric performances of THR mode was precisely measured thanks to the comparison of the two images of the quincunx mode. Multispectral registration was measured using correlation methods. The viewing model includes a description of the focal plane with each detector viewing angle. This description was improved for HRS and HRG cameras thanks to a reference composed of a set of aerial photographs. Finally, a first evaluation of HRS' DTM accuracy has been done by comparison to a reference DTM over FRANCE.