Spectral Radiance of Snow and Clouds in the Near Infrared Spectral Region
Abstract : The near infrared spectral radiance measurements of snow and cirrus and cumulus cloud backgrounds taken by the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory's flying laboratory are evaluated. From the analysis of the 124 specra obtained, the spectral radiances or reflectance characteristics of snow and cirrus and cumulus clouds between 5500 and 7000/cm (1.82-1.43 micrometers were determined. Snow/cloud discrimination can be made by utilizing a sensor in the 5500 to 7000/ cm spectral region. Based on the analysis of these data, certain snow/cloud design parameters were identified; that is, slope of the spectral radiance, absolute spectral and/or total radiance, and the location and value of the maximum spectral radiance for the snow and cirrus and cumulus cloud backgrounds. Finally, specific recommendations are made for an optimal operational snow/cloud discrimination radiometer. (Author)