Assessment in Early Childhood Education

I. INTRODUCTION TO ASSESSMENT IN EARLY CHILDHOOD. 1. An Overview of Assessment in Early Childhood. 2. How Infants and Young Children Should Be Assessed. II. STANDARDIZED TESTS. 3. Standardized Tests: How They Are Used, Designed, and Selected. 4. Standardized Tests: Using and Reporting Standardized Test Results. III. INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS. 5. Informal Assessments: Observation. 6. Informal Assessments: Checklists, Rating Scales, and Rubrics. 7. Informal Assessments: Teacher-Designed Strategies. 8. Informal Assessments: Performance-Based Strategies. IV. USING ASSESSMENT SYSTEMS. 9. Assessment Systems: Portfolio Assessment. 10. Assessment Systems: Communicating with Parents. A Selected Annotated Bibliography of Evaluation Instruments for Infancy and Early Childhood. Glossary. Internet Assessment Resources. Index.