Metering research facility program: Performance evaluation of Japanese compact fluidic meters. Topical report, September 1991-July 1992

Testing of the available ready-for-market model of a new compact fluidic gas meter developed by several Japanese companies has been performed to evaluate acuracy, repeatability, expected life, and performance at elevated pressures, temperature extremes, and various gas compositions. Test facilities and procedures were developed for this first series of meters to be evaluated for potential application by the U.S. natural gas industry. The Japanese compact fluidic meters were found to function generally within specifications over the mid to upper flow range specified by the manufacturer. In the lower-flow range where an IC hot film sensor is used to measure flow, the meters generally read low. In this low flow range, meter performance is further affected by elevated pressure, extremes of temperature (particularly low temperatures), and changes in gas composition. The power consumption rate of the meter implies anominal 8 to 10-year life for the 3V, 5000-mAhr lithium battery that powers the meter. These and other features of the meter indicate that it very nearly meets specified performance requirements for the intended application, but could be improved in performance and serviceability aspects.