A Test-bed for Intelligent, Mobile Sensor Applications
Abstract : The goal of this effort was to design, develop, and acquire a well-equipped platform for experimental evaluation of intelligent, mobile sensor network application to enhance our research. The equipment purchased included three Pioneer all-terrain robots as well as several smaller, more limited robots. Also acquired was a collection of off-the-shelf sensors and sensor kits for large scale experiments including Crossbow Technology Inc's Mote kits (which include MICA motes, sensor and acquisition boards, and development tools), digital cameras, and interface boards (e.g. Crossbow's gateways). Finally, several laptop and handheld computers that will be used as processing nodes and/or to act as controllers/monitors for the robot and sensor systems were also purchased. The purchased equipment has already been used in pursuit of several projects including the development of several mobile sensor networking systems, model-driven tools for developing sensor networks, and a DoD project to demonstrate single users to control robot teams.