Involvement of Arterial Stiffness and Inflammation in Hyperuricemia-Related Development of Hypertension

This study analyzed repeated measurement data to clarify the longitudinal associations between hyperuricemia and the risk factors for the development of hypertension (ie, increased arterial stiffness, renal dysfunction, and inflammation), and then examined whether these risk factors show longitudinal associations with the development of hypertension. In 3274 Japanese men without hypertension, the brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity, blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and serum uric acid and CRP (C-reactive protein) levels were measured annually over an 8-year period. Of these, 474 subjects developed hypertension by the end of the study period. Mixed model linear regression analysis revealed a significant longitudinal association of hyperuricemia with increase of the brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (estimate=5.50, P=0.04), decrease of the estimated glomerular filtration rate (estimate=−2.02, P<0.01), and elevation of the CRP (estimate=0.08×10−1, P=0.02). Hyperuricemia at the study baseline was associated with a significant odds ratio for the development of hypertension by the end of the study period. After adjustments for covariates, the brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (estimate=0.51×10−2, P<0.01) and CRP (estimate=1.91, P=0.03), but not estimated glomerular filtration rate, were found to show independent longitudinal associations with the new onset of hypertension. In Japanese men without hypertension, hyperuricemia may have a longitudinal association with the development of hypertension, and increased arterials stiffness and inflammation may be involved in the risk of development of hypertension associated with hyperuricemia.

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