Aicke Hinrichs, Simon Foucart, Alain Pajor, Holger Rauhut, Tino Ullrich win the 2010 Best Paper Award
The Award Committee – Steffen Dereich, TU Berlin, Germany, and Frances Kuo, University of New South Wales, Australia — determined that the following two papers exhibited exceptional merit and therefore awarded the prize to: AickeHinrichs, for paper ‘‘Optimal importance sampling for the approximation of integrals’’, which appeared in April, 2010, vol. 26, pp. 125–134. Simon Foucart, Alain Pajor, Holger Rauhut, Tino Ullrich, for their paper ‘‘The Gelfand widths of lp-balls for 0 < p ≤ 1’’, which appeared in December, 2010, vol. 26, pp. 629–640. The $3000 prize will be divided between the authors. Each author will also receive a plaque.