The Selection of Retail Locations
highly regarded text in retailing. The fifth edition is, like its predecessors, in step with current developments. While the basic organization remains the same as that used in previous editions, significant new materials have been added. An entirely new chapter entitled, "Epilogue: Ferment in Retailing," has been developed as a concluding chapter for the text. This chapter emphasizes the dynamic character of re'tailing, and discusses the manner in which the retail structure is adapting itself to the social and economic changes taking place. Chapters IV and VI have been enlarged to give added emphasis to the development of shopping centers, branch stores, and the increasing importance of self-selection. Chapter VII and VIII on personnel management have been revised to emphasize the growing importance of human relations in retailing. Problems growing out of Sunday and night openings, and problems of trade union relations have also received attention. Material has been added to Chapter X in recognition of the growth of the rack jobber; and new data on the use of mechanical and electronic equipment to aid the buyer are to be found in this chapter. Chapters XV, XXIII, and XXIV emphasize new developments in the accounting aspects of retail management. Chapter XVIII has been partly rewritten to include more material on telephone and mail order seIling. Sections of other chapters have been rewritten to include suggestions made by teachers and others familiar with the text. Statistical data, always a strong element in the text, have been brought up to date. The supplementary readings suggested at the end of the chapters have been revised to include the more recent books and articles. Many recent articles from journals and trade publications are suggested as readings on current developments in retailing. Also included as an appendix is a chart relating chapters of the text to the problems found in three of the current case books used in retailing. For those desiring to use cases to supplement the text material, this chart will prove very helpful. In this edition the authors have done a commendable job of blending the descriptive material essential to an understanding of our retail structure with material suitable to the study of retail management. This has been accomplished by emphasizing the managerial aspects of retailing while using the descriptive material as a framework. Teachers will find the book well organized and adaptable to the needs of the classroom. Practitioners will find the book a reference well worth keeping at hand. DWIGHT GENTRY University of Maryland