영어 어휘학습 책략의 유형과 사용
As we enter the 21st century, acquisition of vocabulary has assumed an important and central role in learning a second or foreign language. Vocabulary learning means more than just introducing new words, it also includes partially known vocabulary along to the point where learners can use it well. This paper has examined a taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies and discussed the individual strategies in detail. It must not be forgotten that vocabulary learning strategies are for the benefit of the learner. We must consider our learners' feelings, and take note of what they think of the various learning strategies. Patterns of strategy use can change over time as a learner either matures or becomes more proficient in the target language. Research into vocabulary learning strategies led to a greater interest in how individual learners approached and controlled their own learning and use of language. Where some strategies become increasingly used over time, it seems necessary to introduce young learners to a variety of strategies, including those which they are likely to use more as they grow older. Vocabulary learning strategies have a great deal of potentia1, but we must be very sensitive to our learners and their needs when we incorporate strategy instruction into our curriculum. The effective use of learning strategies depends upon a number of variables, including the proficiency level, students' motivation and purposes for learning the L2, the task and text being used, and the nature of the L2 itself.