An Experimental Data Base for the Computational Fluid Dynamics of Reacting and Nonreacting Methanol Sprays

Author(s): McDonell, VG; Samuelsen, GS | Abstract: The present data set consists of detailed measurements obtained within methanol sprays produced by a research atomizer which is operated with three atomizing air modes: none, non-swirling, and swirling. In addition, the cases with nonswirling and swirling atomizing air are characterized under reacting conditions. In each case, state-of-the-art diagnostics are applied. Measurements of the gas phase velocities in both the single and two-phase cases, droplet size distributions, and vapor concentration are obtained. The data are reported in a standardized format to ensure usefulness as modeling challenges. The results obtained reveal the presence of significant interaction between phases and significant changes in spray structure as a result of altering the atomizing air characteristics. Efforts have been directed toward delineation of errors and comparison with existing data sets where possible. The result is a comprehensive data base for vaporizing sprays under reacting and non-reacting conditions which permit a systematic variation in aerodynamic effects to be explored. © 1995 by ASME.