The Reaction of Landlords to Rent Control

Studies on rent control have generally failed to elicit attitudes and reactions of landlords to rent control ordinances. This analysis attempts to fill the gap by querying 1357 landlords in San Diego County, an area currently without rent control. As expected, almost all the landlords were opposed to rent control. The landlords were asked if actual rent control enactment would impact their investment plans and, if so, how. They also were asked if the current threat of rent control is having an impact on their investment plans and, if so, how. The vast majority of landlords responded to both of these questions in the affirmative. The various answers on type of reaction center around two themes: getting out of the apartments business and a cessation of any further investment in apartments. A discriminant analysis showed numerous variables to be related to whether landlords are reactive to rent control enactment or the threat of rent control. Copyright American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association.