IFC model checking based on mvdXML 1.1

A significant barrier for successful use of BIM is the ability to efficiently and transparently agree on what data should be delivered by the many stakeholders of the supply chain and when. This requires additional agreements and specification work on top of existing standards like IFC. Ideally, these specifications are ready for automatic model checking to ensure the exchange of required BIM data. Based on the IDM/MVD methodology and the mvdXML 1.1 format developed by buildingSMART a web-based requirements management solution called BIM-Q and the mvdXML extension of the XBIM toolkit is discussed that demonstrates how BIM exchange requirements can be configured, managed and used for automatic model checking. All necessary steps are shown using an example from the STREAMER project, namely the Program of Requirements (PoR) and the early design of the room layout for hospitals. Besides presenting preliminary process implementation findings, grounded on data collected from various projects, persisting limitations for managing requirements and in particular for model checking based on mvdXML are discussed. An outlook of potential extensions and improvements of the different tools, mvdXML specification and the whole checking process is presented at the end.