Programas de atenção às crianças e aos adolescentes em situação de rua: percepções de seus coordenadores

The purpose of this study is to know and understand the perceptions of the social participant who plan and/or coordinate assistance programs for chidren and adolescents that live in street situation ir a city in the State of Sao Paulo. Our aim was to identify the programs developed in the city, and also, tc identify the programs coordinators’ understanding of children and adolescents in street situation, as wel as the meaning of these programs to these social participants. The development of this study was guides by a qualitative theoretical reference, that intends to understand the theme in a particular way, withou generalizations. The data were collected through free observation, semi-structured interviews and analyst! of official documents. The data have been analysed in accordance with MINAYO’s (1993) proposal Thus, it was possible for us to know the social participants’ understanding of children and adolescents it street situation as well as what these assistance programs, developed in Ribeirao Preto (SP), mean tc them.