Use of microtechnology for DNA chips implementation

1. IntroductionThe nucleus of every living cells holds chromo-some constituted of Desoxyribo Nucleic Acid DNA.and proteins. The DNA molecules bear the wholegenetic information of the individual species troughthe genes. For instance, human genome concernsabout 80000 genes and access to genetic informationis ultimately limited by the ability to screen DNAsequence. A great program called ‘‘human genomesequencing project’’ would ending in the year 2000.To decipher base per base of the human genome is amilestone in the knowledge of molecular genomics,but next advances will require studies about geneexpression monitoring, genotyping or sequence anal-ysis. In this context, DNA chips are considered aspowerful tools, allowing massively parallel geneanalysis. Thanks to these devices, the ability toobtain rapid identification of human, animal or plantpathogens or to detect genetic disorders is now real-istic. These studies find broad applications in differ-ent fields such as biomedical research, diagnostic,pharmacogenomics, pharmacology, environment, orfood industry. One challenge for the implementation