Voice interaction on TV: analysis of natural language interaction models and recommendations for voice user interfaces

The goal of this study is to perform an analysis of natural language models of interaction, associated to 3 types of input devices with a microphone, a hands-free device, a mobile app and a remote control, in order to identify the most suited to be adopted in a conversational voice solution for interactive television in Portuguese. The research addressed issues associated with natural language systems such as usability, interaction and privacy, using a prototype based on a Wizard-of-Oz methodology. It was possible to verify that the interaction model that met the majority of preferences was the hands-free solution, based on a far-field microphone activated by a wake-up word. Aside from easy to use, it was the one that raised the least difficulties of execution. Despite this, the interaction model based on the remote control with microphone was not completely set aside. Some participants pointed out that the remote control, as a device inherently associated with television, is the most natural way of interaction. Although most participants indicate that a natural language interaction system does not raise significant privacy issues, it is important to have this aspect in consideration when choosing the interaction model to be adopted on a voice system commercial solution. To top it off, participants consider that a voice-operated system, like the one they were evaluating, is very useful and almost all have been receptive to having such a system at home.