The Biocreative VII Track-2 challenge consists of named entity recognition, entity-linking (or entity-normalization), and topic indexing tasks – with entities and topics limited to chemicals for this challenge. Named entity recognition is a well established problem and we achieve our best performance with BERT-based BioMegatron models. We extend our BERTbased approach to the entity linking task. After second stage pretraining BioBERT with a metric-learning loss strategy called self-alignment pretraining (SAP), we link entities based on the cosine similarity between their SAP-BioBERT word embeddings. Despite the success of our named entity recognition experiments, we find the chemical indexing task generally more challenging. In addition to conventional NER methods, we attempt both named entity recognition and entity linking with a novel textto-text or “prompt” based method that uses generative language models such as T5 and GPT. We achieve encouraging results with this new approach. Keywords— BERT, BioMegatron, GPT, T5, Entity-Linking