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P. Mason,et al.
Patterns of Dominance
J. P. Fitzpatrick,et al.
Comparative Ethnic Relations: A Framework for Theory and Research
Leo A. Despres.
Differential Adaptations and Micro-Cultural Evolution in Guyana
Southwestern Journal of Anthropology.
Robert Blauner.
Internal Colonialism and Ghetto Revolt
Donald L. Noel.
A Theory of the Origin of Ethnic Stratification
A. Yarwood.
Hubert M. Blalock,et al.
Toward a Theory of Minority-Group Relations
I. Wallerstein,et al.
Social change : the colonial situation
M. Harris.
Patterns of race in the Americas
R. Daniels.
The politics of prejudice
S. Lieberson.
A Societal Theory of Race and Ethnic Relations
Elliot J. Berg,et al.
Backward-Sloping Labor Supply Functions in Dual Economies — the Africa Case
I. N. Moles.
The Indian coolie labour issue in Queensland
J. Higham.
Strangers in the land
L. Sweeney.
The Sojourner
American Journal of Sociology.
C. Wittke.
Immigration Policy Prior to World War I
E. Williams.
Capitalism and Slavery
L. Bloom,et al.
Prejudice. Japanese-Americans: Symbol of Racial Intolerance.
M. Willard.
History of the white Australia policy