Facial Expression Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks

In many face recognition systems the important part is face detection. The task of detecting face is complex due to its variability present across human faces including colour, pose, expression, position and orientation. So using various modeling techniques it is convenient to recognize various facial expressions. In the field of image processing it is very interesting to recognize the human gesture by observing the different movement of eyes, mouth, nose, etc. Classification of face detection and token matching can be carried out any neural network for recognizing the facial expression. Facial expression provides vital cues about the emotional status of a person. Thus an automatic face expression system (FER) that can track the human expressions and correlate the mood of the person can be used to detect the deception among humans. Other applications of automatic facial expression recognition system include human behavior interpretation and human computer interaction. This paper proposes a method using artificial neural networks to find the facial expression among the three basic expressions given using MATLAB (neural network) toolbox