Los Angeles Harbor Pier 400 Harbor Resonance Model Study.
Abstract : The Los Angeles - Long Beach Harbors physical model for harbor resonance was used to investigate the effects of Stages 1 and 2 of the Pier 400 Project on long waves (periods 30 - 500 sec) at existing and proposed berth locations. Three long-period wave spectra were selected for use. They included two storm conditions: 1 February 1986 and the Martin Luther King Day Storm on 17 January 1988. They were representative of long waves from the west. An average condition wave spectrum was developed based on long-term wave information and was representative of long waves from the south. These spectra were used to program the wave generators and wave data were collected at 77 harbor gages. Stage 1 was initially constructed and tested. No significant wave amplifications were noted at the Pier 300 berths with the solid fill causeway joining Terminal Island and Pier 400. When a 243.84-m- (800-ft-) wide gap was opened in the causeway at the end of the Pier 300 channel, some increases in amplification were noted at Pier 300 though overall energy was still relatively low. Most existing berth locations had similar changes for Stages 1 and 2, with decreases in wave amplifications most prevalent. Some increases in wave amplifications as a result of the proposed construction in the Port of Los Angeles were noted at about 4 to 5 percent of the existing berth locations in the 25- to 40-sec and 41- to 205-sec energy bands and 10 per. cent for the 206- to 519-sec energy bands.