Distal anterior cerebral artery territory infarction caused by subfalcial herniation: CT findings

Subfalcial herniation secondary to a unil ateral supratentori al space occupying lesion is frequently seen on the brain CT scan , however , the development of distal anterior cerebral artery infarction following compression of the terminal branches of the pericallosal a rtery against the fa lx c1 uring the period of subfalcial herniation is uncommon . For the last three years, we hav.e experienced three cases of di stal an terior cerebral a rte ry infa rct ion caused by subfa lcial herniation on the brain CT scan . A ll pa titnts had acute subdural hem a tomas resul ting in subfalcial herniation on the fïrst CT scan and subsequently developed focal infarction s in the ipsilateral paracentral lobule . T he patients did not improve clinically and died several d ays aft er ope ratl o n . T he development of such infarction may re f1ect severe cerebral injury and portend a poor clinical outcom e. Index Words: Bra in , computed tomography, 13.1211 Bra in , infarction , 13.4352 Bra in , herni ation , 13.4386