The Status and Problems of Air Photography

AbstractThe lecture deals with the subject of image qualIty in air photography, exciuding mapping techniques as such. Though pOInting out that ‘air photography’ as a technique includes the aeroplane ond ,ts navigation, II concentrates on aspects of general photographic interest. The fundomentol needs and problems of oir photogrophy were seen by L. P, Clerc in a Trail- Taylor Memorial Lecture delivered ,n 1921. Progress since that time hos been brought about by taking advantage of technological advance in sensitive materials, optics electronics etc. rather than by any fundamenlIy new ideas. Panchromatic emulSIons are (aster, more hIghly colour-sensitized and keep beller. Improvements in their physical hardness have ollowed the development of rapid processing techniques. A machine developed by the Royal Aircraft Establishment processes standard types of 70 mm. (11m (e.g., HP. 3.) at 80 (I. per minute for a power consumption of Six kilowatts. Size is 5 ft, 6 in. long by 5 ft. 810. high. Solutions at 110 Fare...