The mylohyoid bridge in four population samples from India, with observations on its suitability as a genetic marker.

Four adult skeletal samples from the states of Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Bihar in India have been studied for the incidence of mylohyoid bridge. The incidence, varying between 2.98% and 7.14%, has been compared with frequencies reported for other populations of the world. The range of variation for Indians, as a whole, falls within the lower levels of the spectrum of worldwide variation for this trait, ranging between 0.47% for French Europeans and 33.8% observed among Plains American Indians. While noting its possible significance for clinical purposes, the suitability of the mylohyoid bridge as a population genetic marker has been discussed. It is emphasized that its use as a genetic marker in isolation of other discrete traits has serious limitations. For meaningful population definition and relationships as many discrete variants as possible ought to be utilized.

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