Method and apparatus for receiving and deshuffling shuffled data in high-rate packet data telecommunication system

The present invention receives the transmission data is shuffled in a high rate packet data communication system using a multi-level modulation of the original form of the method and apparatus for de-shuffled. The transmitter of the communication system supporting a multi-level demodulation, after encoding the information bits to high importance systematic systematic symbols are modulation symbols are preferentially placed in a position higher transmission reliability in the less critical parity symbol transmission reliability is low position shuffling and ring to be disposed. The receiver memory and outputting modulation symbol comprised of a plurality of code symbols by demodulating the reception data, and the according to the de-shuffling the order in which to distinguish the code symbols to a systematic systematic symbol and a parity symbol corresponding to said shuffling respectively stored in the following, to read out the stored decoded code symbols in accordance with a predetermined coding rate and outputs the encoded packet. Thus the invention may be ring while saving the number and capacity of the buffer required by the receiver quickly to the shuffling data deshuffle. Multiple level modulation, code-word sequence, Shuffling, 8-PSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM