건설자재통합정보시스템의 운영에 관한 연구

Construction Material Information (CMI), which is one of the most important factors in the decision making quality and construction cost of the building, has a extensive using coverage from design phase to maintenance. Although there are a few enterprises and organizations which offering the CMI though On-Line system, CMI users spend much more time and make a huge effort to get their wanted information. This material information through online systems could be vitalized by interacting between effort offering information of manufacturers and information utilization by decision maker selecting construction materials. Nowadays, because of the weakness of up-to-date material information update, lack of detailed information which are wanted by users, and mixed use of construction material classification system, CMI users aren't satisfied. The study looks into online systems operating currently and their classification system, information item. Also this study decides direction for research by intercomparing domestic and overseas operating situations. Based on this analysis, we present the operational plan of construction material information system.