Outage probability in cellular mobile radio due to Nakagami signal and interferers with arbitrary parameters

Outage probability provides a fundamental performance measure of the grade of service for cellular mobile radio systems. Determination of the outage probability in a Nakagami (1960) mobile environment is particularly important since Nakagami fading is, as shown by various empirical measurements, the most appropriate model in many practical applications. Effective techniques have been developed recently to determine outage probability in the presence of multiple Nakagami interferers by assuming that the fading parameters of both signal and co-channel interferences are integer-valued. However, the general problem with arbitrary Nakagami signal and interferers remains unsolved. A new technique is presented, which allows the Nakagami distributions for both signal and interferers to be arbitrary. Exact formulas for probability of outage with and without a constraint on minimum signal power are derived, and computer results are also presented to illustrate the theory.