A Heuristic Algorithm for Genome Rearrangements

Stormy weather conditions develop early this season as a series of low pressure systems move into the southwestern United States during the normally dry spring. The weather pattern generates strong and even severe thunderstorms in the late spring with a large and long-lived tornado rotating through White Sands Missile Range. Very moist air continues to flow into southern New Mexico and western Texas through the summer monsoon and early autumn period causing heavy rains, flooding, large hail and damaging winds. During the afternoon of May 2 2007 this large tornado is on the ground at least 45 minutes as it moves across White Sands Missile Range. May 2: Severe weather erupts during the afternoon as a tornado develops over southeastern Dona Ana County and continues moving to the northeast across White Sands Missile Range. The vortex is on the ground at least 45 minutes and reaches a maximum width of at least 300 yards. Fortunately the tornado stays in the open desert and causes no damage or injuries. Widespread hail up to the size of golf balls falls across the El Paso metropolitan area smashing windshields over portions of the city. Over 2 inches of rain also cause localized flooding around the area.