The PRIMA Test Facility: SPIDER and MITICA test-beds for ITER neutral beam injectors

The ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility (NBTF), called PRIMA (Padova Research on ITER Megavolt Accelerator), is hosted in Padova, Italy and includes two experiments: MITICA, the full-scale prototype of the ITER heating neutral beam injector, and SPIDER, the full-size radio frequency negative-ions source. The NBTF realization and the exploitation of SPIDER and MITICA have been recognized as necessary to make the future operation of the ITER heating neutral beam injectors efficient and reliable, fundamental to the achievement of thermonuclear-relevant plasma parameters in ITER. This paper reports on design and R&D carried out to construct PRIMA, SPIDER and MITICA, and highlights the huge progress made in just a few years, from the signature of the agreement for the NBTF realization in 2011, up to now—when the buildings and relevant infrastructures have been completed, SPIDER is entering the integrated commissioning phase and the procurements of several MITICA components are at a well advanced stage.

V. Toigo | G. Mico | G. Manduchi | A. Luchetta | C. Taliercio | Piergiorgio Sonato | G. Agarici | L. Svensson | G. Gorini | R. S. Hemsworth | Tullio Bonicelli | Elena Gaio | Francesco Gnesotto | R. Piovan | N. Pilan | A. Maistrello | C. Rotti | Arun Chakraborty | N. Pomaro | R. Pasqualotto | H. P. L. de Esch | M. Urbani | Andrea Rizzolo | Pierluigi Veltri | Nicolo Marconato | A. De Lorenzi | B. Chuilon | Giuseppe Chitarin | G. Croci | Andrea Muraro | Simone Peruzzo | Silvia Spagnolo | B. Heinemann | Marco Cavenago | U. Fantz | M. Spolaore | G. Rostagni | Muriel Simon | H. Decamps | M. Recchia | W. Kraus | A. Zamengo | Ujjwal Baruah | Gianluigi Serianni | Piero Agostinetti | Marco Barbisan | M. Battistella | M. Boldrin | Matteo Brombin | M. Dalla Palma | M. De Muri | F. Fellin | A. Fiorentin | Luca Grando | P. Jain | E. Ocello | M. Pavei | A. Pimazzoni | Emanuele Sartori | M. Siragusa | A. Sottocornola | B. Zaniol | M. Zaupa | D. Boilson | B. Schunke | J. Chareyre | M. J. Singh | F. Paolucci | L. Bailly-Maitre | G. Gomez | V. Pilard | Mieko Kashiwagi | Masaya Hanada | Hiroyuki Tobari | M. V. Nagaraju | H. Dhola | V. Hauer | Marco D’Arienzo | M. Kushwah | S. Sandri | J. Graceffa | L. Zanotto | A. Masiello | M. Tardocchi | Diego Marcuzzi | Pierluigi Zaccaria | D. Aprile | A. Garbuglia | S. Dal Bello | Vanni Antoni | Atsushi Kojima | Daniel Gutierrez | Marica Rebai | M. Valente | R. Delogu | N. Umeda | M. Bigi | C. Baltador | H. Yamanaka | A. Ferro | T. Maejima | H. Patel | A. Tonti | Emanuele Spada | P. Sonato | B. Heinemann | B. Schunke | E. Gaio | R. Piovan | M. Bigi | A. Luchetta | G. Manduchi | A. Masiello | P. Blatchford | F. Paolucci | D. Aprile | G. Chitarin | N. Marconato | V. Toigo | V. Antoni | N. Pomaro | M. Brombin | M. Moresco | T. Bonicelli | M. D’Arienzo | Kazuhiro Watanabe | M. Agostini | M. Tardocchi | G. Gorini | G. Agarici | F. Fellin | M. Spolaore | G. Serianni | R. Pasqualotto | A. Lorenzi | F. Gnesotto | L. Grando | D. Marcuzzi | S. Peruzzo | G. Rostagni | E. Spada | S. Spagnolo | C. Taliercio | P. Zaccaria | B. Zaniol | L. Zanotto | S. D. Bello | P. Agostinetti | M. Barbisan | M. Battistella | M. Boldrin | M. D. Palma | R. Delogu | A. Maistrello | M. Pavei | N. Pilan | M. Recchia | A. Rizzolo | E. Sartori | M. Valente | A. Zamengo | A. Muraro | G. Croci | H. D. Esch | U. Baruah | H. Decamps | Namita Singh | B. Chuilon | Y. Xue | M. Rebai | P. Blatchford | Kazuhiro Watanabe | P. Veltri | Matteo Agostini | S. Hanke | A. Pimazzoni | Namita Singh | M. Cavenago | M. Moresco | S. Sandri | S. Ochoa | A. Patel | M. Singh | A. Kojima | M. Kashiwagi | G. Gambetta | E. Bragulat | J.-F. Moreno | A. Patel | B. Raval | S. Hanke | Y. Xue | H. Tobari | N. Umeda | M. Hanada | U. Fantz | V. Hauer | D. Boilson | R. Hemsworth | C. Baltador | P. Jain | M. D. Muri | C. Rotti | M. Zaupa | G. Gambetta | M. Siragusa | J. Chareyre | J. Graceffa | L. Svensson | M. Urbani | A. Garbuglia | M. Simon | L. Bailly-Maitre | E. Bragulat | G. Gomez | D. Gutierrez | G. Micó Montava | J. Moreno | V. Pilard | A. Chakraborty | H. Patel | H. Dhola | B. Raval | W. Kraus | A. Ferro | A. Fiorentin | E. Ocello | A. Sottocornola | T. Maejima | S. Ochoa | A. Tonti | M. Kushwah | H. Yamanaka | M. Nagaraju | L. Bailly-Maître

[1]  C. Day,et al.  Experimental characterization of the gas injection nozzle for the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility neutralizer , 2017 .

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