The application of grey-incidence decision making in the analysis of brownfield redevelopment project

Grey-incidence decision making approach is proposed to deal with the implementation of brownfield redevelopment project in the remediated sites. The inspiration behind this approach is valuable, because it is suitable to use regardless of the sample size. Whether it is big or small, or whether the data fulfills a particular conventional distribution or not. Above and beyond that, what makes it convenient to use is, the amount of computation embraced is bite-sized and can be carried out classically without the difficulty between quantitative and qualitative conclusions. Thus, the government wants to clean up a brownfield sites and after remediating the contaminated sites the government has to select the best development proposal from three planning options, such as: Industrial park planning, Recreation center planning, and Real estate planning. To do so, the attributed weights are calculated step-by-step with the help of the software so called Grey System Theory Modeling Software 3.0 (GTMS 3.0). In this way the absolute degree of grey incidence is generated from the classic reference sequence and effect vector. Following this, quasi-classic effect vector and quasi-classic circumstance are obtained. Finally, the result leads us to make a decision in terms of producing the most ideal choice of development planning among the available alternatives of the development planning.