Integrating 2D and 3D data for diagnostics of panel paintings

Imaging techniques are widely used for the diagnostics of paintings. The results, collected by applying various imaging techniques are generally compared by the art historian who studies the object. These 2D data can be effectively integrated to form a multi-dimensional dataset, and added to a 3D digital model of the painting, thus creating a complete package of information about the opera. In this work we present some examples of applications of data integration with measurements performed on some important panel paintings. The imaging analysis was carried out by applying techniques such as infrared reflectography, colour and false colour imaging and ultraviolet fluorescence. The IR reflectogram, the false colour and the colour image are simultaneously acquired with a scanning device characterized by a high resolution (16 dots/mm2), a high tonal dynamic and point-to-point correspondence between these three images. A multi-spectral device, based on a high-resolution CCD camera, is used for UV fluorescence. The 3D relief was obtained by means of scanning micro-profilometry with a quota resolution of about 1 micron. The integration of the 3D model with the results given by several imaging techniques greatly increases the information and it eases the analysis of the painting under investigation.