E or M: what is diference?
Changing the learning emphasis as a system composed of three basic elements: student, teacher and content that are in line with determined goals related and positioned in a concrete context is, historically observed, caused by different factors. From the position which puts teacher in the centre through student-centric system we are confronted with educational forms in which the learning is becoming more content-centric within present frames respectively it is directed towards the knowledge as the final realisation of educational contents. ICT application in education has lead to educational modes known as e-Learning or e-Teaching. The most important effect of possible ICT application is implicated in fact that education has consequently become independent of time and place of realisation. The recent literature usually defines m-Learning or m-Teaching as teaching supported by ICT technique performed with the appliance of wireless devices and telecommunication infrastructure. From that aspect m-Learning is successor of e-Learning and the more significant changes within the existing frames of e-Learning towards m-Learning are yet to be completely researched and defined. The paper tried to analyze which are the factors that make m-Learning adequate for usage and different from e-Learning. Pomicanje težista nastave kao sustava sastavljenog od tri osnovna elementa: ucenika, nastavnika i sadržaja koji su u skladu s određenim ciljevima povezani i postavljeni u konkretan kontekst je, povijesno gledano, uzrokovano razlicitim faktorima. Od pozicije u kojoj je nastavnik u centru preko ucenik-centricnog sustava dolazimo do oblika nastave u kojoj je u danasnjim okvirima nastava sve vise sadržaj-centricna tj. okrenuta znanju kao konacnoj realizaciji nastavnih sadržaja. Primjena ICT u nastavi dovela je do oblika nastave poznatih kao eLearning ili eNastava. Najvažniji efekt mogucnosti primjene ICT je sadržan u cinjenici da je nastava time postala nezavisna o vremenu i mjestu realizacije. Obicno se u recentnoj literaturi mLearning ili mNastava definira kao nastava podržana ICT tehnikom koja se izvodi uz primjenu bežicnih uređaja uz telekomunikacijsku infrastukturu. S tog aspekta mNastava je nasljednik eNastave i znacajnije izmjene u postojecim okvirima eNastave prema mNastavi tek treba u potpunosti istražiti i definirati. U radu se pokusalo sagledati sto je to sto cini mNastavu podesnom za uporabu i drugacijom od eNastave.