Indigenous community members' views on silver diamine fluoride to manage early childhood caries.

OBJECTIVES Early childhood caries (ECC) continues to be the leading reason for pediatric dental surgery in Canada and is particularly prevalent among Indigenous children. Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) offers an alternative method to manage non-restoratively caries. It is important to determine Indigenous communities' views on and receptivity toward SDF. AIM To understand Indigenous community members' views on pediatric dental surgery to treat ECC under general anesthesia (GA) and receptivity to SDF as an alternative to restorative surgery. METHODS Focus groups and sharing circles congruent with an Indigenous ways of gathering information were conducted. Three interviewers engaged eight groups of First Nation and Metis communities in three rural Indigenous communities and ne metropolitan urban setting in Manitoba, Canada. Overall, 59 individuals participated. Open coding was guided by grounded theory and further analysis using Nvivo 12 software™. RESULTS Participants mean age was 35.6 years, 88 percent (52 individuals) had a least one child, and 32 percent (19 individuals) were employed. Eight themes emerged, including respondents' fear of dental surgery under GA, fear of pain after dental surgery, parents' need for more information before accepting SDF treatment, and concern about the black staining of treated lesions. CONCLUSIONS Indigenous parents' acceptance of SDF as a treatment option is contingent on having more information and assurance that treatment under GA can be avoided. Understanding Indigenous parents' views may ensure better acceptance of SDF as a minimally invasive treatment option to manage ECC. A cautious and informative approach to SDF implementation in Indigenous communities is recommended.

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